Nautilus is dedicated to our wholesale distribution partners, offering products for small- to moderate-sized commercial risks designed exclusively for the Excess and Surplus Lines market.
Unique Excess And Surplus (E&S) Lines Insurance Solutions
Nautilus is strictly dedicated to the Excess and Surplus Lines market and insures small- to moderate-sized risks with low- to moderate-susceptibility to loss. Our commercial excess and surplus lines products are available nationwide. A substantial portion of our business is underwritten through a close, longstanding network of general wholesale agents we have chosen on a highly selective basis.
Our excess and surplus lines insurance products include: General Liability, Commercial Excess, Commercial Property, Light Brokerage, and Inland Marine.
General Liability
Our General Liability insurance can protect against claims for bodily injury, property damage, and personal/advertising injury. Nautilus specializes in insuring low- to moderate-hazard risks that can be written monoline or packaged with other lines of business. Nautilus offers a consistent and competitive product in a wide variety of classes, which can be enhanced with our broad scope of extension endorsements and optional coverages available.

Commercial Property
Our Commercial Property insurance can protect a business’ physical property from losses such as fire, storms, and theft, as well as other covered losses. Nautilus writes a wide range of low- to moderate-hazard Property classes and provides wind and hail coverage in catastrophe exposed areas. Our broad array of coverage includes Special Form, specialized extension endorsements, and Equipment Breakdown.

Commercial Excess
Our Commercial Excess insurance coverage can give businesses added liability protection beyond the limits of their primary coverage. We are a premier excess and surplus lines insurance carrier for small- to medium-sized operations. Our wholesale distribution partners have expanded authority for Lead and Layered Excess Liability over General Liability, Auto Liability, Liquor Liability, Employee Benefits Liability, and Employer’s Liability.

Light Brokerage
Our Light Brokerage solution can provide coverage for tough-to-place risks that are not large or complex enough to meet traditional brokerage market premiums. This insurance coverage offers a unique appetite that is different from Contract Bind, while still complementing those products. Light Brokerage is submit-only, and each risk is underwritten in-house by our experienced staff, who review, evaluate, endorse, and issue policies.

Inland Marine
Our Inland Marine coverage can protect assets (material, products, equipment) that move or are transportable over land. This insurance solution can also cover these assets while temporarily being stored by a third party. Nautilus writes a wide range of Inland Marine solutions that complement our Property and General Liability offerings.

Products and services described above are provided through various surplus lines insurance company subsidiaries of W. R. Berkley Corporation and offered through licensed surplus lines brokers. Not all products and services may be available in all jurisdictions, and the coverage provided by any insurer is subject to the actual terms and conditions of the policies issued. Surplus lines insurance carriers do not generally participate in state guaranty funds and insureds are therefore not protected by such funds.